About us
        Piszemy Wspomnienia

wtorek, 10 września 2024

About us

Launched on September 1, 2010, PiszemyWspomnienia.pl is the first Polish website devoted to autobiographical writing. Its central objective is to popularize the writing of memoirs—works which preserve a part of the national or local heritage and bear witness to social, political and cultural changes, as well as changes in patterns of thought.

PiszemyWspomnienia.pl draws from the legacy of the work of Florian Znaniecki, Ludwik Krzywicki, Józef Chałasiński and Józef Szczepański, who promoted memoir writing, as well as of the Friends of Memoirs Society (Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Pamiętnikarstwa). This website highlights all valuable initiatives related to memoir writing, such as collecting memoirs, competitions, meetings, workshops, conferences and non-commercial publishing projects. Our interest encompasses projects undertaken by state and local governmental institutions, non-governmental organizations, private institutions and individuals.

PiszemyWspomnienia.pl combines a dedication to tradition with an openness towards modern ways of documenting one’s life, including oral history and “memoirs 2.0”—personal content on blogs and social networking websites.

PiszemyWspomnienia.pl promotes the use of memoir writing as a way of fighting addiction and counteracting social exclusion. It also promotes the application of memoir writing in wellness activities among senior citizens, e.g. memory therapy, therapeutic writing.

PiszemyWspomnienia.pl is based on an original idea and relies on articles written specifically for the website.

Piszemy wspomnienia poradnik - Ewa Pilawska


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